Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday smiles and slop...

Joe, T-bird and I managed to get a few waves in at the C-Hole this weekend. A little sloppy, crowded and shallow but fun was had by all. Big thanks to H-Diz for her work on the camera from her perch in the back of the VW!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Joe's Log

The beach cottage shed has once again been transformed into a shaping/glassing bay. Joe's currently in the process of bringing an ol' faithful back to life with a fresh layer of glass. With tastefully chosen orange and red resin pigment, Joes should be back in the water shooting the tip in no time. Here's a couple of snaps of the old girl in her early stages...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Busy Times

It seems as though Easter came and went in a heartbeat. All at the Beach Cottage are still trying to catch their breath after an intense period of work, travelling and festivities. Meanwhile the poor old blog sits quietly waiting for some attention. Here's a few photo's I dragged off my camera today from a few trips away with Hannah. I wish they were of surfing but unfortunatley it has been terrible for the last two week :(. Fingers crossed Huey dishes up some offshores this weekend!