Just doing some maintenance on my camera and found these snaps of a pre summer catchup with a couple of former beach cottage boys.
We left Newcastle one hot friday arvo in November, arrived in Plomer just before nightfall, set up camp and prayed for swell.
The next day the swell remained small so we had to entertain ourselves around camp (aka 9am beers) until the tide dropped.
At low tide things remained grim. I snagged a few on the point on the log at lunch time but it was pretty feeble. And thats when then rain came....
...By 3 PM everything was drenched and we were huddled together under a tarp next to Swanny's ute. The decision to go home was made around the time Fishy's shelter broke free of its bindings and started cartwheeling towards the ocean. Fortunately for Fish it was snagged by a large bush and didn't end up in the drink. For me, seeing Fishy take of across the camp ground was the highlight of the trip! Those tentative steps at first trying to decide whether or not it was worth salvaging, then the full sprint as it got closer to the water... haha you had to be there I guess.
Even through the surf was pretty ordinary and we got washed out after the first night it was still a memorable trip. The beauty of the national park, our close encounter with a visiting whale and just spending time with good mates made it all worth while.